Our Vision…
We are a school where everyone is warmly welcomed and valued. There is a deeply caring and positive attitude towards all children, parents, carers, staff, governors and the wider community. Relationships with everyone associated with the school are cherished and nurtured so that every member of our school community can feel safe, happy and empowered to make a beneficial contribution.
We all support and encourage one another; are sensitive and understanding; and have an open and honest approach; working together to build effective partnerships and we strive to offer the excellent quality of support and provision our children and local community deserve.
Our Values…
- Successful
- Unique
- Tolerant
- Thriving
- Optimistic
- Nurturing
- Persevering
- Aspirational
- Responsible
- Kind

Our Aims…
- Value and respect each learner as a unique individual;
- Recognise and celebrate each learners strengths and achievements;
- Promote high levels of self-awareness, self-esteem, confidence and independence;
- Foster understanding and compassionate attitudes towards others;
- Personalise provision so that it meets the needs and stretches each learner;
- Communicate proactively and openly with parents and carers and all other stakeholders;
- Provide a wide range of memorable, enjoyable and fun learning experiences for all our learners;
- Inspire and motivate our learners to be curious about the world around them;
- Offer a happy, safe and secure environment;
- Fully utilise all the resources in school and the local community to create and sustain a positive and stimulating learning environment that meets the needs of all our learners;
- Work in close collaboration with professional partners, Governors, the Local Authority, OFSTED and other organisations that will benefit learners.
Sutton Park Primary School
Greatfield Road
DY11 6PH
T: 01562 67742
E: office@suttonpark.worcs.sch.uk
Office Manager – Jessica Medcalf
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) – Danielle Duignan
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Lorna Weatherby

We are proud to be a part of the Central Region Schools Trust.
Registered Office:
Suite B.06,
Assay Offices
141 - 143 Newhall Street
B3 1SF
T: 0121 270 3117
- Abbeywood First School
- Arrow Vale Secondary School
- Arrow Valley First School
- Church Hill Middle School
- Gospel Oak School
- Holyhead School
- Ipsley CE Middle School
- Lickhill Primary School
- Sutton Park Primary School
- St Stephen’s C E First School
- Oakhill First School
- Oldbury Park Primary School