Take pride in your uniform.

Our Uniform

  • White school polo shirt
  • Grey trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafores
  • Navy blue school cardigan or jumper
  • Black school shoes
  • Black, white or grey socks/grey or black tights
  • Blue and white check gingham summer dresses can be worn in the  summer term only

School uniform can be purchased from The School Shop, 30 Worcester Street, Kidderminster, DY10 1EQ.

Pre-Loved Uniform

A range of pre-loved uniform is located in the downstairs entrance by the automatic doors and is available to access at any time during the school day. The uniform is free of charge for parents/carers to take and by using this initiative, you will be helping to reduce the amount of clothing that goes to waste each year. We have a large number of items available in a range of sizes.

If you wish to donate any of your child’s old uniform, please bring it in a clean condition to the school office.

PE Kit

  • PE kits need to be kept at school and taken home at the end of each half term to be washed. All children should wear:
  • White round neck school PE t-shirt
  • Black shorts
  • Black joggers / track suit bottoms
  • Black track suit top/jumper (no hoodies)
  • Trainers


Sutton Park Primary School

Greatfield Road


DY11 6PH

T: 01562 67742
E: office@suttonpark.worcs.sch.uk

Office Manager – Jessica Medcalf

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) – Danielle Duignan

Designated Safeguarding Lead - Lorna Weatherby



10 + 15 =



We are proud to be a part of the Central Region Schools Trust.

Registered Office:
Suite B.06,
Assay Offices
141 - 143 Newhall Street
B3 1SF

T: 0121 270 3117