School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office. Paper copies are available from the school office free of charge.
There is currently a problem accessing Trust/School policies through the Microsoft Edge browser. However, staff and parents/carers can still access all the Trust/School policies by using an alternative browser such as Chrome or Safari whilst we wait for SchoolBus to resolve this issue.
School Policies
RSHE Local Arrangements
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Trust Policies
- Anti-Bullying Statement of Intent Policy
- Behaviour Principles
- Charging and Remissions Policy
- Code of Conduct Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Conflicts of Interest Procedure
- Conflicts of Interest Policy
- Data Protection Policy
- Donations Policy
- Education Visits Policy
- Equality Policy
- Finance Policy
- Fire Safety Management Policy
- Freedom of Information Policy
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Health & Safety Policy
- LGPS Discretions Policy
- Lone Working Policy
- Mental Health & Well Being Policy
- Mobile Phone Principles Policy
- Modern Slavery Statement
- Offsite Alternative Provision Principles
- Online Safety Policy
- Premises Management Policy
- Privacy notices
- Pupils Attendance Policy
- Records Management Policy
- Recruitment and Selection Policy
- Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Safeguarding Policy (please refer to each school’s website for their localised version)
- SEND Policy
- Subject Access Request Form
- Surveillance and CCTV Policy
- Suspension & Exclusion Policy
- Trustee and Governor Expenses Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy
Please note: some policies may display the name RSA Academy, or Central RSA Academies Trust (CRSAAT). Please assume that all policies that refer to RSA Academy or CRSAAT are making reference to Gospel Oak School and Central Region Schools Trust respectively.
Sutton Park Primary School
Greatfield Road
DY11 6PH
T: 01562 67742
Office Manager – Jessica Medcalf
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) – Danielle Duignan
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Lorna Weatherby

We are proud to be a part of the Central Region Schools Trust.
Registered Office:
Suite B.06,
Assay Offices
141 - 143 Newhall Street
B3 1SF
T: 0121 270 3117
- Abbeywood First School
- Arrow Vale Secondary School
- Arrow Valley First School
- Church Hill Middle School
- Gospel Oak School
- Holyhead School
- Ipsley CE Middle School
- Lickhill Primary School
- Sutton Park Primary School
- St Stephen’s C E First School
- Oakhill First School
- Oldbury Park Primary School